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来源:浙江师范大学外国语学院   2022-08-29 14:50:19


  Ten hours after the Japanese troop attacked Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, a colony of the United States, was attacked by the Japanese as well. Before the fall of Manila, US commander MacArthur fled by plane in a hurry. On his plane, two seats were reserved for the Chinese Consul General Yang Guangsheng and Consul Zhu Shaoping.


  However, the two seats were politely rejected by Yang Guangsheng. He said, as a diplomat, he should take the heavy responsibility of protecting the overseas Chinese and never leave his duty without permission from his motherland.


  At that time, China printed a batch of paper money in the United States, which was stranded at the consulate in Manila. Getting the information, the Japanese army tried to take the money for themselves. Yang asked all the staff of the consulate and their families to work together to prevent it happening. First, they were asked to cut off a corner of each bill with knives. Later, with limited time, Yang ordered to burn the money.


  That angered the Japanese commander Honma Masaharu. He openly violated public international law, sent soldiers to break into the Chinese consulate, and arrested eight diplomats and 42 patriotic overseas Chinese.


  At first, the Japanese Army tried to bribe Yang and put forward three requests. The first was to publicly recognize Wang Chingwei's puppet state; the second was to raise $24 million in three months and donate it to the Japanese army; the third was to establish a japanolatry overseas Chinese organization.


  However, the Japanese didn’t expect that, Yang did not hesitate to refuse the so-called kind treatment from the Japanese side. Failing in persuading them to surrender, the Japanese army put eight Chinese diplomats into the water prison of San Diego fort. After nearly a month’s torture, they could not make these tough Chinese diplomats yield. Finally, the Japanese army sentenced eight Chinese diplomats to death.


  Before the execution, Honma Masaharu ordered the soldiers to cover the eyes of the eight diplomats with cloth strips, but the eight diplomats fiercely resisted. Under the glare of the Chinese diplomats, the Japanese soldiers trembled and went around to shoot in their backs. But the diplomats turned around, which caused the Japanese soldiers to fire randomly in a panic. The bullet didn't hit Yang's fatal part. He tried hard to straighten up in the pool of blood, pointed to his heart and roared: shoot here!


  The strong grass is selected by the strong wind, and the loyal man is known in turbulent days.In times of crisis, eight diplomats, including Yang Guangsheng, preferred to die rather than surrender. They always maintain a noble national spirit,worthy of the iron-fisted Chinese good man.


  杨光泩:Yang Guangsheng

  珍珠港:Pearl Harbor

  菲律宾:Republic of the Philippines


  麦克阿瑟:Mac Arthur

  朱少屏:Zhu Shaoping

  汪精卫:Wang Chingwei

  本间雅晴:Honma Masaharu

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