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来源:国家档案局   2020-02-14 16:27:35

  1931 - 1945年日本在对中国及其他国家发动侵略战争期间,给中国和亚洲受害国人民带来了深重灾难,其中就包括大规模实施“慰安妇”——日军性奴隶制度。“慰安妇”制度是日本政府和军部直接策划、各地日军具体执行实施的强迫中国、朝鲜半岛、东南亚和欧美国家妇女充当日军性奴隶的制度。在这一制度下, 强迫妇女充当”慰安妇”——日军性奴隶 ,这一野蛮行径使大量妇女惨遭日军的蹂躏、凌辱和摧残,不少人死于虐杀和疾病,在整个侵华战争中,日军的上述暴行从未停止过。”慰安妇”制度的策划与实施,充分暴露了日本军国主义违反人道主义、违反两性伦理的野蛮、残忍和暴虐,是人类文明史上罕见的暴行,是日本侵略者制度化了的国家犯罪行为,它严重侵犯受害妇女的人权,是世界妇女史上最为惨痛的一-页。

  世界舆论和国际机构早已对“慰安妇”制度作了谴责,有了定论。联合国人权委员会先后于1996年和1998年通过有关报告指出,"慰安妇”制度是现代社会“有计划的强奸、性奴隶”行为,日本政府对此负有不可推卸的责任。上个世纪90年代以来,在美国、韩国、日本、加拿大等地举行的各种听证会,由历史学界、法学界、社会学界、妇女界等的参与,推动国际共识的达成。1996年联合国人权委员会率先提出报告,认定“慰安妇”问题就是日本战时推行的性奴隶制度,是战争犯罪。2007年,美国、欧盟、加拿大、荷兰以及韩国议会纷纷通过谴责日本推行“慰安妇”制度、敦促其谢罪道歉的决议。2014年,联合国人权理事会发表《日本人权审查结论》报告,认为日本应该为二战期间的“慰安妇” 问题承担责任。


  为了进一步回击日本右翼势力否认设置慰安所、强征”慰安妇”罪行,国家档案局制作专题网络视频《“慰安妇”一日军性奴隶档案选》 ,公布中国一些档案馆和研究单位收藏的"慰安妇”档案,其中既有在日本侵华时期形成的日方档案和日本在占领区扶植的傀儡政权档案,也有战后中国政府接收被占资产和调查战争损失以及审讯日本战犯而形成的档案,可以清晰地揭示日本在战时实施军队性奴隶制度、强迫征用“慰安妇”、开设“慰安所”的历史事实,无可辩驳地证明日本右翼势力与日本当局中一些人言论的荒谬与无耻。

  The war of aggression launched by Japanese militarism against China andother countries from 1931 to 1945 inflicted untold sufferings on the people of China and the other victim countries in Asia. One of its crimes is that Japan enacted on a large scale the "comfort women" system. The system, which is directly engineered by the Japanese government and Army Headquarters and executed by the Japanese army in numerous places, forces women from China,Korean Peninsular, Southeast Asia, European and the American countries to work as sex slaves for the Japanese army. Under this brutal scheme, massive womenare subjected to sexual assault and abuse, many of whom are slaughtered or died of disease. These horrendous acts of the Japanese army went on unabated throughout Japan's war of aggression against China. Design and execution of the "comfort women system lays bare the savagery, cruelty and ruthlessness ofJapanese militarism against humanity and sexual ethics. These horrifie,institutionalized acts of violence committed by Japanese invaders, rarely seen in the history of human civilization, constitute state crimes and gross violation of the human rights of the victimized women. They make the most painful chapterin the annals of woman's history.

  The world public opinion and international institutions have long passedjudgment on the comfort women" issue, and repeatedly condemned it. The UNCommission on Human Rights, in its reports in 1996 and 1998, pointed out thatthe comfort women" system is an act of "planned rape and sexual slavery" in modern society, and that the Japanese government shoulders unshirkable responsibility for it. Since the 1990s, various hearings have been held in theUnited States, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Canada and other places, where representatives from the academic circles of history, law, social sciences and women affairs have helped shape the international consensus on this issue. In1996, the UN Commission on Human Rights took the lead in recognizing in its report thecomfort women system as a sex slavery system practiced by Japan during the war and as a war crime. In 2007, the United States, the EuropeanUnion, Canada, the Netherlands and the Republic of Korea parliament alladopted resolutions condemning Japan's comfort women system and urgingJapan to show remorse and make apologies. In 2014, the UN Human RightsCouncil released the Concluding Observations on the Sixth Periodic Report ofJapan, arguing that Japan should be held accountable for the comfort womenissue during World War II.

  After its defeat in August 1945, in order to hide the truth of history and cover up its war crimes, Japan destroyed a large number of archives. As a result,materials documenting the plight of "comfort women" available today are verylimited. However, those that still exist provide sufficient, irrefutable evidence for the existence of the "comfort women system. In recent years, Japaneseright-wingers and some political figures have time and again refused to admit the evil of the "comfort women" scheme, and denied the Kono Statement". At this solemn historical moment marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war, Japan, once a source of the war, should have made an explicit statement on the nature of the war of militarism and aggression and its responsibilities on the wars, made sincere apology to the people of victim countries, and made a clear a break with the past. To the comfort Womensystem and its crimes, Japanese side used evasive term saying that the dignityand honor of many women were severely injured during the wars in the 20" century". Because of Japan's denial of its militarist crimes, victims of the comfort women" system still see their human rights violated 70 years after theend of the war.

  To refute Japanese right-wingers" denial of war crimes involving comfort women", the State Archives Administration of China has produced the onlinefeature video: Comfort Women ":Selected Archives on Japanese Army Sex Slaves, releasing the archives kept by some Chinese archival agencies and research institutions. They cover archives of the Japanese side formed during Japan's warof aggression against China, archives of the puppet regimes that Japan set up in its occupied areas, and archives documenting the effort of the Chinesegovernment in taking back stolen assets, investigating war losses andinterrogating Japanese war criminals. These archives illustrate the historical factsof Japan's army-wide sex slave system during the war, its forceful recruitment of"comfort women" and setting up of comfort stations. They are incontrovertibleevidence showing the absurdity of those shameful statements and acts ofJapanese right-wingers and some people in the Japanese authorities on this issue.

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