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第七集 战时出版的中日文图书资料
来源:中央档案馆   2020-02-20 08:38:31

  1. 战时日文出版物中关于上海地区的“慰安所”信息(上海市档案馆)

  Information about “comfort stations” in the Shanghai region recorded in wartime Japanese publications(Shanghai Municipal Archives)


  Who’s Who of Japanese in China published by Japan Goldwind Press in Shanghai in 1941 (31st edition, in Japanese), contains information about “naval comfort stations”, “military comfort stations”, “comfort stations”, etc. set up in downtown Shanghai, Jiangwan, Wusong and other places.

  2. 1938年在武汉出版的《日寇暴行实录》中关于“慰安妇”的记载(黑龙江省档案馆)

  Records of “comfort women” in the Memoir of Japanese Atrocities published in Wuhan in 1938 (Heilongjiang Provincial Archives)


  The Memoir of Japanese Atrocities published by the Political Department of the Military Affairs Commission of the Nationalist Government in Wuhan in 1938 contains a text appendix on “comfort women” entitled Summary of Japanese Atrocities.

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