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来源:中央档案馆   2020-04-11 14:52:22


  据蜂须贺重雄1954年12月笔供,他1896年出生,日本鹿儿岛县人。1918年到被日本强占的中国旅顺担任警察, 1944年任伪奉天铁道警护上校团长。1945年9月28日被逮捕。




  二、笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)

  According to the written confession of Shigeo Hachisuka in December 1954, he was born in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan in 1896. In 1918, he went to the Japan-occupied Lvshun, China to serve as a policeman. He became colonel and regiment commander of the puppet Mukden Railway Security Police. He was arrested on 28 September 1945.

  Major offences:

  August 1933: led his subordinates to arrest armed Chinese patriots in Anshan, causing one Chinese to die of wound;

  Early July 1943:sent people to arrest a young Chinese patriot who had assisted the Anti-Japanese Army in Songzhangzi Village, where they found people in a house refused to open the door, the subordinate secret agents “opened fire and an old man (the young man’s father) in the house was shot to death”.

  三、点击阅读详情:笔供译文(Translation of the Written Confessions)

  四、点击阅读详情:笔供原文(The Original Text of the Written Confessions)

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